Adult Braces – Everything you need to know!

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Braces aren’t just for teenagers anymore! Many adults are opting to straighten their teeth, and at all different ages. I am 29 years old and put my braces on a little over a year ago. I had a ton of concerns about getting braces, which caused me to put them off for years…

  • Would it affect my career/professional image?
  • How would I fund them?
  • Is it worth the time spent on appointments and maintenance?
  • Could I justify spending thousands of dollars on my teeth?

If you’ve had any of these concerns when considering braces as an adult, then read on!

adult with braces

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what kind of braces should I get?

There are 3 main choices when it comes to getting braces – clear aligners, clear brackets, and traditional metal braces. There are multiple brands of each, but I will share the ones recommended by the Orthodontists I consulted with.

Invisalign (Clear aligners)

clear aligners

Invisalign is a popular option for adults because they are so discreet, no one even needs to know you are straightening your teeth!


  • Essentially Invisiblediscreet and clear
  • Amazing Technologyif you are a planner this is perfect for you – you will know step by step where you’re teeth will be at each week along your journey
  • Convenient take them out whenever needed – lots of freedom!
  • Easier Hygiene no trying to floss around brackets, continue your usual oral hygiene routine
  • Quickfor some, it’s a fast fix for minor teeth imperfections with treatments as short as 6 months – dependant on the situation
  • Begin With The End In Mind – because the aligners are designed with software, you are able to see your final results digitally before you get started


  • Remove To Eatthey must be removed before eating, followed by brushing and replacing immediately – could be annoying if at a restaurant or eating at work
  • Only Work When Wearing if you often forget to put them back in after brushing or eating, this can drastically slow down your progress or you may lose the effect of the aligners
  • Stainingif you are a coffee or red wine drinker, you may experience staining or discoloration on the aligners
  • Less Control In Processmy orthodontist explained that with Invisalign she monitors the progress of the aligners, whereas with bracket braces she is straightening and positioning each tooth where she wants it each visit
  • SlowerI know this is contradicting a Pro, but again each situation is unique. Both Orthodontists I consulted with said my treatment time would actually be considerably longer with aligners
  • Option For Mild/Moderate Treatmentthese are an excellent option for many, but unfortunately, not everyone is a candidate for aligners.

Damon clear (clear Brackets)

Damon Braces are an amazing option if you feel brackets are a better option for you, but you’d still like your braces to be more discreet!


  • Barely NoticeableWith clear brackets and a slim wire they are super subtle and hard to detect. My neighbor is currently wearing these and I honestly never even notice them in conversation.
  • Tieless Bracketstraditional brackets have an elastic wrapped around each one to keep them closed, which can attract more plaque and give an overall bulkier look – not Damons!
  • Customizationyour orthodontist has more freedom to design your smile throughout the process


  • Stainingif you are a coffee or red wine drinker, you may experience staining or discoloration on the clear bracket
  • Wider Bracketscompared to the Damon brand metal braces, the footprint is slightly larger on the clear option as they are not quite as strong as metal
  • Broken Brackets it is more common to have broken or loose brackets when they are clear vs metal
  • Slowerbut not by much – clear braces usually only add 1-2 months onto your treatment time which is well worth it if clear is a priority for you
  • General Hygieneyep, it’s going to take some extra time to keep your braces clean and floss around each tooth

Speed system (metal)

SPEEDbraces are not quite your traditional braces. They are up to 3 times smaller than the usual metal bracket and don’t require elastics to hold them closed.


  • Strong metal is the strongest option and moves teeth around very effectively
  • Tieless Bracketstraditional brackets have an elastic wrapped around each one to keep them closed, which can attract more plaque and give an overall bulkier look – not speed braces!
  • Customizationyour orthodontist has more freedom to design your smile throughout the process
  • Quickevery situation is unique – for me, speed braces offered me the fastest treatment time
  • No Stainingyou can drink coffee or wine and not worry about the braces getting discolored
  • Sturdy Bracketsas long as you follow your instructions on care and avoid the foods you should, you shouldn’t have many, if any issues with loose or broken brackets


  • Noticeablemetal braces are definitely visible, there’s no hiding them and this can be a deal-breaker for many
  • Rougher On Gumsoften the metal brackets can be harsher on the inside of your mouth, you may experience sores, cuts or irritation while your mouth gets used to them, or when the brackets move
  • General Hygieneyep, it’s going to take some extra time to keep your braces clean and floss around each tooth

Professional/adult image and braces

This was one of my biggest concerns, which could be summed up as ‘what will other people think?’. Silly I know, but it was a real hangup for me. A lot of my work is in a corporate environment, and(I believe this is true for most of us) how I present myself in a professional scenario can have a big impact on my career.

great news!

I quickly found out this concern was absolutely silly. I never had any negative reactions, in fact, I could split the most common reactions into three categories

1 – They don’t say anything at all – this is surprisingly common, especially for people I don’t see on a daily basis. That’s acquaintances, colleagues, clients, and even quite a few friends! It’s almost like when you change your hair color or wear a bright lipstick – many people don’t notice or just don’t comment on that stuff. No complaints from me!

2 – They say ‘Oh you got braces – good for you!’ – This I heard many times – and I love it because it shows others are truly excited to see someone investing in and bettering themselves. This little encouragement is always lovely.

3- They share their journey with braces – I went from feeling like I was one of few adults with braces to learning that many others I know chose the same path! Braces can be a great way to get to know people in your circles even better, that perhaps you didn’t have a great conversation point with before.

don’t worry!

Usually, we are far more concerned with ourselves than we are with others. I don’t mean in a selfish way, but we usually judge ourselves more harshly than we would someone else.

Even though I had concerns putting braces on, the only thing I ever thought towards another adult with braces was ‘good for them!’. Always strive to treat yourself a little more kindly 🙂

Invisalign clear aligner tray for adult braces and straightening teeth

How much do braces cost?

Cost can vary greatly depending on your teeth, the braces you choose, and the country you live in. I can’t account for all those variables, so I’ll tell you about my personal experience.

First of all, I live in Ontario, Canada so these prices are in Canadian Dollars.

The best fit for me ended up being the metal Speed Braces as I wanted to get them on and off as quickly as I could!

My total cost, all in, ended up at $5,900.00 CAD. I did not need any extractions beforehand, and I had fairly mild crowding, so nothing too complicated was done.

funding your braces

Budgeting, finding, or creating the funds to be able to get braces can be a challenge, but I promise you it can be done. If you have been thinking about this for a while – it’s time to make it happen!

Braces can be a serious investment, but I’m a firm believer that there is nothing better to invest in than yourself. The confidence your new smile can give you not only can change the way you view yourself but how you interact with others and in turn how they view you.

cost money bag

payment plans

Often your orthodontist will offer monthly payment plans, and many times at no extra charge – take advantage of these!

manage expenses

Whether you are saving ahead of time or using a payment plan, often setting aside an extra $200-$300 a month is a good goal. Evaluate the things you spend money on each month and ask yourself if it is more important to you than your braces. If the answer is no, cut it out or modify and redirect the excess money to your teeth. Everyone’s priorities are different so none or all of these may be good suggestions for you:

  • Daily Starbucks Coffeetry making it at home or making it a once a week treat
  • Boutique Gym Membershipopt for a budget gym or a home workout routine
  • Buying Lunches at Workpacking lunches can be a huge money saver
  • Regular Drinks With Friendswe all know the weekend pub tab can get pretty hefty, consider alternating between weekends out and taking turns hosting
  • Clothingtry going on a ‘clothing diet’ and cutting back on new wardrobe purchases for a set period of time
  • Monthly Mani/Pedi if you go acrylic/UV nails regularly, consider switching to shellac over your natural nail, maybe even look at buying a light and gel polish to DIY your nails at home


If you have dental coverage on your insurance plan, check and see if they offer any coverage toward orthodontics.

increase income

This is easier said than done, however, if you are very motivated this is a great option! Some possibilities could be:

  • Overtimeask if there are any opportunities to work a little extra at your current job and let people know you are available
  • Closet Clean Outthis may only be a temporary boost but selling items you don’t wear anymore can be a great way to make some extra money and declutter
  • Second Jobthis isn’t for everyone, but you might look into adding a super part-time gig on the side, all you need is an extra $200 or so a month to make it happen!

I have a friend who finally got braces after wanting them for years – she lives in the city and has a career she loves, aaaand all the expenses that come along with being an adult and living on your own. Braces seemed out of reach. She eventually got fed up with putting herself on the back burner and picked up a Saturday evening shift serving at a nearby restaurant. She gave up her Saturday nights but got the smile she always wanted.

dental hygiene and braces

Oh the joys of cleaning your braces! Yes, you will need to budget some extra time in your daily routine, but it’s totally worth it.


I prefer an electric toothbrush with my braces, but that is just personal preference. I just find it cleans around the brackets a little easier. On the flip side, if you’ve just had your braces put on or tightened, a regular toothbrush might be better as your teeth could be very sensitive.

Brushing frequency

Not only will you be doing your 2-minute brush in the morning and at night as usual, but you will also be brushing throughout the day.

I carry a travel toothbrush with me wherever I go. Food tends to get stuck in your brackets, so brushing after eating or at least swishing some water around in your mouth will give you some peace of mind!

Brushing when you finish a meal, or drinking something like coffee, will ensure plaque buildup and ‘scarring’ won’t affect your teeth. Scarring is caused by poor dental hygiene while wearing braces and can leave permanent marks on the teeth even once the braces are off.


We already know we should floss for good oral health, but sometimes our toothbrush doesn’t get everything that’s stuck in our braces. Again, flossing and detailed cleaning around brackets is essential to keep everything clean and prevent permanent damage.

I suggest getting spooly brushes and soft picks to go with you everywhere and investing in a WaterPik for at home.

I honestly don’t know how anyone could have braces without a WaterPik. This is a lifesaver for me!!! I have a full size one in my bathroom at home, plus a mini travel size for when I am away for work. It’s essentially a little pressure washer for your teeth, and it is super effective!

regular cleaning

Don’t forget to keep up with your regular dentist appointments!

It’s more important than ever to be sure you are on top of those routine cleaning and check-ups.

dentist cleaning before getting orthodontics

How to get started on your braces journey

First things first – start booking consultations! Don’t just go to the closest Orthodontist, and here is why. Straightening teeth is a science, so you need a skilled and knowledgeable doctor, but it is also an art – they will also be visualizing where to place your teeth and what your smile will look like. Be sure you are in the hands of someone you trust!


I had extremely different consults.

One end of the spectrum – the staff took photos for the orthodontist’s review, the doctor sat down and walked me through the process for each option, and took the time to answer any of my questions.

Meanwhile in another consultation – I met with a staff member who, from across a desk, briefly glanced at my teeth and said ‘well, if you do these braces it will cost this much, please feel free to call us if you would like to move forward what your braces. End of meeting.

Can you guess who I went with?

Yep, the first one! They happened to be the more expensive Orthodontist, but trusting your doctor is worth every extra penny and more.

Tips for consults

  1. Book with at least two separate Orthodontists, this will give you something to compare against.
  2. Note how thorough the consultation is, do you feel like all your questions were answered? Do you have a clear idea of the process?
  3. Get pricing for various types of braces so you can really weigh all your options.
  4. Don’t feel like you need to make your choice then and there! Getting braces is a huge decision and your Orthodontist knows that.
orthodontist consultation for adult braces metal and clear braces measure teeth

so are braces worth it?

Yes, yes, and yes!!! I am so happy I made the decision to get my braces. It seriously does wonders for your self-confidence, and I truly believe it is an excellent investment in my future.

Really, 10 years from now, I’m not going to be pining over the money I spent, or upset about all the extra time I spent brushing, flossing and cleaning around my braces. I’m just going to be happy I have the smile that I do!

more information

If you’d like a little more information then check out this video on my Youtube channel where I talk braces!

Common Questions about adult braces

when is it too late to get braces?

If you’re teeth are healthy, it’s never too late! If your 30 or 70 or 16 and they are something you want – go for it!

are braces more expensive for adults?

The overall cost, not usually. In fact, adults are often more compliant than teenagers with their treatment which can make it easier for the Orthodontist. The only additional expense factor to consider is many insurance plans will not cover orthodontics if you are over 18 years old.

how long do adults wear braces?

This is totally unique to each person. However, it could be anywhere from 6 months to several years and anywhere in between!

do braces hurt?

This depends on your pain tolerance, but you will experience anywhere from mild discomfort to moderate pain. The good news is, it only hurts after tightening appointments and gets easier and more comfortable each time!

have you made a decision?

I’d love to just take a moment and encourage you to take the next step in getting braces. If you’re reading this post, and you don’t already have them, then it’s clearly something that is on your mind. Sometimes not making the decison to move forward, is by defult a decision to stay where you are.

Don’t make decisions by default!

If you’d like more information on how to prepare and what to expect when you do choose to have your braces put on, you can get my free Brace Day Cheat Sheet right here –

free brace day cheat sheet for preparing to get adult braces

Thank you so much for reading, and I look forward to hearing all about your braces journey!

With Gratitude,

my signature
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